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Decision Resolution Forward Consulting!

“Human reality is bounded by the limits set in the mind. . . Change in mind becomes change in deed and change in the world. When consciousness is expanded, so is the potentiality for action.”

Learn the techniques of “Consultative Conflict-free Resolution” for sound decision-making and navigating difficult conversations!

Reflect upon the inner realities of the universe, the secret wisdoms involved, the enigmas, the interrelationships, the rules that govern all. For every part of the universe is connected with every other part by ties that are very powerful and admit of no imbalance, nor any slackening whatever.” – Abdu’l-Baha’

Social Justice demands that we act with swiftness in combating anti-Blackness racial prejudice. Structural inequality, systemic disparities, continued police violence, and public and mental health crises continue to escalate.
Humans are interconnected and a part of a single human family. ” The well-being of each individual is tied to the well-being of the whole.

The world’s problems can only be solved through collective action and cooperation.